The following are highlights from the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 8, 2022. All items will return to Regular Council on March 22 for further discussion and/or adoption.

A moment of silence for Ukraine requested by Mayor Letham

“Since we last met in Council Chambers, our world has been shaken by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. We have watched in disbelief as the peace, rights and freedoms we enjoy in Canada have been taken away from the Ukrainian people in less than a week. Will you join me in a moment of silence as we hold in our thoughts all the people impacted by the global conflict in Ukraine.”

International Women’s Day noted by Deputy Richardson

“Today is International Women’s Day, where countries all over the world unite in the celebration of women’s achievements. We have countless talented, dedicated and successful women right here in Kawartha Lakes, without whom, our community would not be the same. Since 1975 when it was created by the United Nations, this day honours women of the past, present and future generations who have championed for change in gender equality. I’d like to invite you to take a moment today to recognize the special women in your lives.”

Condolences to John Pollard’s Family

Councillor O’Reilly extended condolences to the family of former Councillor John Pollard on his recent passing.

Downtown Revitalization Program 2017-2021 Summary

Staff recapped the five-year Downtown Revitalization Program, which supported the downtowns of Coboconk-Norland, Fenelon Falls, Lindsay and Omemee through a variety of projects. Although the program has concluded, a number of projects are still ongoing and a framework is being developed with input from the Downtown Revitalization Advisory Committee to further support the downtowns.

Street, Municipal Facility and Park Naming Policy Amendment

A report was brought forward for policy amendments to establish a process for identifying and selecting names that may be considered for streets, municipal facilities and parks. The policy was last updated in 2014, and the amendments included creating a Naming Group to consider adding new names, an application process, guidelines for public notification and updates to the existing roster of names.

Accessibility Master Plan Report

Staff updated Council on the progress of the Municipal Accessibility Master Plan 2018-2023. The update addressed the municipality’s efforts to provide greater accessibility for people with disabilities and highlighted the progress to date. As Kawartha Lakes recovers from the pandemic, ongoing and future opportunities were also highlighted.

Summer Tourism Experience Program renewed for 2022

In 2021, the Summer Tourism Experience Program was created to welcome, celebrate visitors and connect them to local businesses and experiences in these four downtown main streets: Bobcaygeon, Coboconk-Norland, Fenelon Falls and Lindsay. The program received an allocation of $60,000 and funding was used to help each community attract and engage with summer visitors. A subsequent grant application through the My Main Street program was successful in recovering the full cost of the program. Staff are now recommending to Council the funding that was offset be brought forward to repeat a Summer Tourism Experience Program in 2022.

Parks and Community Centre updates

Community Services provided four updates and recommendations regarding parks and community spaces, including: a Pump Park in Little Britain, the potential for constructing a Splash Pad in Omemee, the status of the Ops Community Centre and information regarding Outdoor Rink Surfaces.

Council motioned to put forward decision units in the 2023 Capital Budget for seed money of $75,000 for a Pump Park in Little Britain and $100,000 for a Splash Pad in Omemee. Community fundraising will be required and discussion will be ongoing.

As a result of the Ops Community Centre deterioration, Council moved as printed a recommendation from staff to put $300,000 towards demolishing the facility to repurpose the space for other needs. The motions and recommendations will return to the next Regular Council Meeting for further discussion and/or adoption.

Traffic Calming measures recommended 

Council made the following recommendations based on staff reports:

  • The speed limit of Elm Tree Road from the northern limits of the geographic hamlet of Cambray to Glenarm Road (KL Road 8) be posted at 60 km per hour, down from 80 km per hour

  • An all-way stop be installed at the intersection of Glenelg Street West and Cambridge Street South, Lindsay

  • The speed limit of Cedar Glen Road from KL Road 36 to a point 1 km southerly be posted at 60 km per hour, down from 80 km per hour

Corporate Waste Reduction Vision

The Environmental Services division brought forward a vision for how the municipality can take steps to lead by example for a healthier environment. The vision spans a number of corporate initiatives to contribute to waste reduction and a healthier environment. Initiatives include staff training for improved waste reduction, reduction of single use plastics and other practices at all municipal buildings and facilities.

ATV Pilot Project monitoring and enforcement

A report was brought forward outlining how the ATV Pilot Project will be monitored and enforced beginning this spring season:

  • Traffic counts will be conducted by staff to monitor the vehicles using the routes

  • Complaints and issues concerning the routes will be reported and tracked using the Case Management system.

  • Municipal Law Enforcement will be the primary point of contact for the public and will provide enforcement of the By-Law in coordination with OPP and Kawartha Lakes Police Service. The By-Law will come to Council on March 22.


Mayor Letham put forward a memo to waive patio fees again for 2022, extending the support shown to businesses during the pandemic. Council adopted the motion for consideration in Council on March 22.

A full recording of the Committee of the Whole Meeting is available on the City of Kawartha Lakes YouTube.

City HallDeb Crossen