Premier Doug Ford announced today that students will not be returning to school until September. He said, “Returning kids and teachers back to school before they're vaccinated could lead to thousand of cases.”

But, he said that outdoor activities will be reopened as soon as possible for the health and well-being of the kids. “Parents have done a remarkable job and we know how hard it's been on all of them,” he said. “We'll move forward to make sure they all have the support they need.”

He's also advocating for outdoor, in-person graduation events for all grades to enable children to reconnect with their friends before the summer.

Premier Ford also said the province may be ready to enter Step 1 of the reopening plan before June 14. They are waiting for advice from Dr. Williams and his health team to make the final decision.

More than 9.2 million vaccinations have been delivered in Ontario so far. The rollout for second vaccinations for many Ontarians is underway.

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