Premier Doug Ford, along with provincial health experts, has announced plans for reopening the province, gradually, to help people get back to some semblance of normalcy amid the continuing pandemic. It will be a gradual, three-step approach, said Ford.

Some outdoor recreational amenities, including golf courses and tennis courts, will be allowed to reopen on May 22, abiding by local health unit rules. As well, outdoor gatherings for the long weekend will be allowed for up to five people.

Ford also said “Today, we're seeing increasingly positive trends. Working with public health officials, we've created a plan to safely reopen in the coming weeks.”

  • Step One An initial focus on resuming outdoor activities with smaller crowds where the risk of transmission is lower, and permitting retail with restrictions. This includes allowing outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people, outdoor dining with up to four people per table and non-essential retail at 15 per cent capacity.

  • Step Two Further expanding outdoor activities and resuming limited indoor services with small numbers of people where face coverings are worn. This includes outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people, outdoor sports and leagues, personal care services where face coverings can be worn and with capacity limits, as well as indoor religious services, rites or ceremony gatherings at 15 per cent capacity.

  • Step Three Expanding access to indoor settings, with restrictions, including where there are larger numbers of people and where face coverings can’t always be worn. This includes indoor sports and recreational fitness; indoor dining, museums, art galleries and libraries, and casinos and bingo halls, with capacity limits.

Deputy Premier and Minister of Health Christine Elliott said that before each phase is implemented, the decision to proceed will be with the utmost caution. She said each step will be approximately three weeks, with Phase One to start the week of June 14. It will also be tied to vaccination rates, number of cases and hospitalizations.

Several questions still remain about the reopening of schools. Premier Ford said, “Reopening the schools could increase cases by 11 percent. We are working closely with the science experts to ensure it is done safely.”

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