By Kirk Winter

Janet Clarkson, the Mayor of Trent Lakes, is inviting residents of the Township to a community round table on June 1, 2019.

There will be several key topics up for discussion including garbage/transfer site policies, short-term rentals and rural transportation. There will also be the opportunity to look at other issues of municipal importance that the assembled would like to discuss.

The meeting will begin at 9am with an hour set aside for 10-minute presentations from concerned citizens groups, and then the round table discussion will run from 10am to 12pm.

The meeting moderator will be local minister Reverend Roberts who is well skilled in these kinds of sessions, and hopefully the discussion will be fruitful and meaningful for all.

Mayor Clarkson said, “Information gathered from this session will be very helpful to Council, and it is my hope that we will see more of what is similar in our very spread out municipality than what separates us.”

Clarkson asks residents “to set the date aside and to join in building ideas and relationships (across the Township).”

For more information about this meeting please contact the Township offices at 705-738-3800.