Submitted by Diane Englestad

“Peace of mind” can be hard to come by when you are the primary caregiver for someone with disabilities who will likely outlive you. And where do caregivers (usually aging parents or same-age siblings) find the time to plan for the practical needs of the future when it is hard enough managing the day-to-day?

ABLE (Access to Better Living Experiences), a support group based in Fenelon Falls, is inviting anyone who struggles with future planning to attend a free seminar, February 12, on Wills and Estates. It will be led by lawyer Ryan O’Neill of Wards Lawyers. The seminar will help demystify some of the special options available to families for whom conventional inheritance planning can be problematic, and indicate some clear steps towards “peace of mind.”

The event will be held Wednesday, February 12, 7 - 9 pm, at St James Parish Hall, 7 Bond Street E., Fenelon Falls. For more information, visit the ABLE webpage www.kawarthacoop.ca/able or ABLE Fenelon on Facebook or contact Diane Engelstad at 705-887-8769.